Child's safety

The safety of a child depends to a great extand on its parents, since, in practice, the one and only harm that they can do to their child is not to know or remember about child’s medicines or allergies. Therefore, parents should include a document with such information in child’s wallet, together with its ID, just in case. As regards the medicines, it is best to set an alarm for your child reminding them about taking the medications. You can include an ICE contact (In Case of Emergency) in your child’s phone and provide your number or a number of a person, who would know child’s case history or provide information concerning child’s medicines or allergies. ICE is used universally, not only in case of conventions. Your child may need it also outside the event.


Possible danger is not different than this to which your child is endangered at home or in school. There is a group of trained medics at the convention and the guards are keeping watch on the entrance. Whenever your child leaves the area of the convention, even though there are practically all of the essentials to be found, such as cafe, it is responsible for itself. The shop witch is open for the longest time near the convention closes at 11:00PM. Any harm to the child can be done only in the travel time.


Traveling to Wrocław

It is worth checking whether your child is traveling alone or not. One can check travel plans of other participants from your city and take part in their trip (it is possible to save up money buying the group ticket). If you are living in a small town you’d better give your child a lift to the nearest big city departure point or you can place your child in the first wagon and ask the conductor to check on your child from time to time.


In Wrocław


Convention’s building is not far away from the station and your child will probably notice people dressed in manga-themed clothes, so it can join them. You can print a map, which is to be found at the page, and become familiar with a movie presenting the road to the school.


Coming back home

One can set the details of coming back with a child by phone. You can decide on a bus/train and the persons your child may come back with (it is common for a child to come back with a few new people in its age)

Posted in: Parent's FAQ