utworzone przez laureanne | mar 20, 2013
Your child can carry his/her things in: – a backpack – it is capacious, comfortable and one can strap the foam pam to it – a suitcase – it is useful, comfortable and light. Check if it is not too heavy and your child will not have problems...
utworzone przez laureanne | mar 20, 2013
The money depends on your child’s needs, expenses, financial abilities etc. Minimal costs of the convention: – entrance cost – 40PLN, can be bought online by the Rezerwix system – travel cost – it depends on the distance, traveling class etc....
utworzone przez laureanne | mar 20, 2013
Conventions are one of not many events which shows that one can have fun without stimulants. Should we find drugs they will be confiscated. Even though we cannot affect every action of the participants outside the convention’s area, we can decide about their coming...
utworzone przez laureanne | mar 20, 2013
The safety of a child depends to a great extand on its parents, since, in practice, the one and only harm that they can do to their child is not to know or remember about child’s medicines or allergies. Therefore, parents should include a document with such...