utworzone przez laureanne | mar 20, 2013
There are no beds in schools. However, it does not mean that your child will sleep on the floor. You can give your child a light foam pad, blanket or a pillow. The convention takes place in the summer and it is rather warm outside then, therefore the child does not...
utworzone przez laureanne | mar 20, 2013
Every participant must show one’s documents (ID or passport) while entering the convention – otherwise, one cannot attend the convention. Participants who are under-age must also show a written allowance signed by their parents. Since there are many under-age...
utworzone przez laureanne | mar 20, 2013
Should you forget to sign your child’s allowance document please contact the main organizer for further details. Call 601431590.
utworzone przez laureanne | mar 20, 2013
It depends on your contact with the child. We do not know if the child see it as a lack of trust or a nice way to spend some free time together, and, honestly, we cannot estimate it. Many parents treat the convention like a trip. They drive their children to the...
utworzone przez laureanne | mar 20, 2013
First of all, there is no reason to panic. If your child is not at the convention place, it is probably fine. Maybe he/she does not hear the phone or does not have it with him/her. Your child could have also lost it – at the convention we find 3-4 phones on...