Your child can carry his/her things in:
– a backpack – it is capacious, comfortable and one can strap the foam pam to it
– a suitcase – it is useful, comfortable and light. Check if it is not too heavy and your child will not have problems while carrying it or bringing it to the bus/train.
– a satchel – with documents, handy stuff and some food for the trip
For the night time:
– a foam pad – it is light and useful. However, it is hard to move in the crowd while carrying it.
– air mattress – it is heavier than a foam pad but it takes less place in a luggage (folded mattress is similiar to a towel). Your child can also bring his/her own pump but it can be borrowed as well.
– light blanket and a pillow – since the convention takes place in summer it is not required to take sleeping bag
What else?
– clothes – it is always useful to take additional clothes or underwear, since it’s hot in summer and one may sweat from the heat
– a towel
– some handy cosmetics (small bottles, a toothpaste, a toothbrush)
– small lapels
– toilet paper (it can out in the bathroom)
– phone charger
– a plastic mug – one can use it for tea or instant soup
– 2-3 instant soups, just in case
– should your child take any medicines, pack them up and attach an instruction, in which you explain which medicines should the child take at a specific time or case and ammount
Posted in: Parent's FAQ